Khet # 8

2 Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 17
" Come out from them and be separate says the Lord, touch NO unclean thing and I will receive you..."
The eighth symbol letter Khet is a boundary fence. A boundary fence keeps things in their own place. God created our world with boundaries to keep everything in order. His order! We need to respect God's boundaries and stay in our place. Our home is our place. It is our place of safety for our family and friends. We don't want people who hate us in our home. God is the same way. He doesn't want people who hate Him in His!
God made boundaries to keep us separate. He wants His friends separate from His enemies. God reveals His boundaries and His order to us through the written words in our Bibles. His boundaries are written words called Commandments. God's Commandments were given to us to keep our relationships in order. God's commandments will keep us safe from our enemies, if we obey them. God's boundary words are loving words that separate us and stop our enemies from coming in and causing us to disobey God and follow them.


Matthew 25 verse 32 says, " before Him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them as a shepherd separates the Goats from the Sheep"